The college has a “culture club” that take care of the various extra-curricular activities of the college. This gives the students a platform to develop their talents and canalize their energies constructively.." Cultural activities "
A healthy body leads to a healthy mind . An indoor sports room for table tennis, carom, a cricket ground and a basketball court for outdoor games keeps the students fit and healthy. A sports teacher has been appointed who takes care of all the sports related activities of the college."Games & Sports" |
Personality development workshops and sessions are held to help students developing their skills. Compulsory English speaking classes are held for students."Personality Development "
The college is proud of an active placement cell, which make the students aware of the growth and changes taking place in the industry. The cell is also active in helping students develop their personality".Career Opportunities"
The college also play social responsiblities by carring out various camps such as blood donation camp, aids awarness camps organised by college and also educate people in rural areas " Social Responsiblities" |
our College also celebrate technology day because now its time for g lobalisation and world is common platform." Technology day" |