A Little about Smt. P.K.Inamdar college of Education |
'Education' and 'Human Resource' are being identified as India's developmental tools in the current knowledge based economy. Hence, enormous efforts have been taking place all over the country in the direction of providiing Quality Education to meetthe demands and needs of a Globalized Society. A necessity has, therefore, arisen, as never before, to provide the quality education in a broad manner at the rural side of the nation for the up lifting and empowering of the less privileged. This is expected to result in human development. Knowledge is wealth as well as power. People with knowledge, in turn, become the creators of the wealth. Quality Education demands Quality Educators. A teacher becomes a quality educator by facilitating enough opportunities through various interesting activities in relevant and personalized context. They subsequently transform their classrooms into a hive of activity where their students get nurtured accordingly, to assure positions of responsibility, later, in the out side world.
A message from Chairman |
Qualitative education is the most urgent need of the society. It is like great challenges. It is my great pleasure and pride that Smt. P.K. Inamdar College of Education emphasizes on Qualitative education we provide qualitative education from 2006-07 achieving 100% success. We provide every opportunity and facility to the students to develop themselves as proficient, Innovative and committed teachers apart from the education proficiency. We emphasize to develop good moral values, social values, and cultural values in students through education. I wish all the best for bright future to our students.
A message from Managing Trustee |
In the year 2006 Smt.Pushpaben Kanaiyalal inamdar College of Education, Barkol (Self Financed) put its first step in the field of education. In the year 2006 is has established itself & delivered 100 B.Ed. trainees. In this college there are various methods like Mathematics, Science, English, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Hindi, and Commerce, Economics & Accountancy. The result of the College & University Examinations has enclosed remarkable qualities if teaching at our college & the process of quality improvement is continuing.
Thus the vision & mission of this institution is getting full filled by active participation of students, staff member’s expert academicians & office bearers of the trust. |
A From desk of Principal |
It is great moment of pleasure to introduce our college as well reputed college of bachelor of education. I feel very proud to say that we had have compromised with quality as it is the responsibility of training colleges to provide good teacher to the society.Today Society is going through rapid renovation in way of living life, habits, values, culture & expectations from Schools & Educational institutions. We have always tried to fulfill all these new & rapid expectations of society & changes.
We create such environment amongst student teachers to become responsible teachers. We try to ignite the flame of candle & inspire it to ignite many candles. |